イタリアン&ビストロ BISTRON荏原町店Italian & Bistro BISUTORON EBARAMACHI

Address 〒142-0053
1F,Uozome Building,5-7-4 Nakanobu,Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-6451-3143
Location Shinagawa, Hamamatsucho, and Gotanda
Category Italian / French / Spanish food,Western-style food
URL https://www.bistron-ebaramachi.com/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (VISA , Master Card , LINE Pay)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Daytime 11:30 AM ~ 02:30 PM
Night 05:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM
Closed Wednesday,New Year's Holiday
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 1 min.walk from Ebaramachi station
Price Range approx. 2,500yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Potato Salad


  1. Potatoes / Soft-boiled Egg

Potato Salad

2Marinated Seafood


  1. Octopus / Shrimp

Marinated Seafood

3Marinated mushroom


  • 鶏肉
  • きのこ

Marinated mushroom

4Roast Beef


  1. Beef

Roast Beef

5Assorted Hors d'oeuvres


Assorted Hors d'oeuvres

6Assorted Cheeses


Assorted Cheeses

7Uncooked Ham


  1. Salami / Uncooked Ham

Uncooked Ham

8Smoked assort


Smoked assort

9Garlic Toast


Garlic Toast

10Fried Potatoes


  1. Potatoes

Fried Potatoes

11Assorted Sausages


  1. Sausage

Assorted Sausages




13Caesar Salad


  1. Leafy Greens for Salads / Slow Cooked egg / Grated Cheese

Caesar Salad

14Cheese Fondue


  1. Cheese

Cheese Fondue

15Spanish Method of Frying in Garlic Oil


  1. Mushrooms / Scallions

Spanish Method of Frying in Garlic Oil

16Spanish Method of Frying in Garlic Oil


  1. Shrimp / Moules

Spanish Method of Frying in Garlic Oil



  1. Greater Amberjack


18Hamburger Steak


Hamburger Steak

19Grilled Chicken Meat with Bread Crumbs


Grilled Chicken Meat with Bread Crumbs

20Grilled Pork


  1. Pork

Grilled Pork

21Beef Rib Loin


  1. Beef

Beef Rib Loin



  1. Meat


23Cream Risotto


  1. Mushrooms / Rice

Cream Risotto

24Cream Risotto


  1. Sea Urchin / Rice / Tomatoes

Cream Risotto



  1. Rice


26Margarita Pizza


  1. Tomatoes / Basil / Cheese

Margarita Pizza



  1. Cheese




  1. Eggplant / Eggs / Ground Meat


29Peperoncino with Dried Mullet Roe


  1. Dried Mullet Roe

Peperoncino with Dried Mullet Roe

30Pasta with Cream


  1. Freshwater Prawns / Tomato Sauce / Cream Sauce

Pasta with Cream



  1. Pork Loin / Meat Sauce


32Spaghetti Vongole with Asari Clams and Tomatoes


  1. Asari Clam / Cherry Tomatoes

Spaghetti Vongole with Asari Clams and Tomatoes

33Peperoncino with Sardine Fry


  1. Boiled Whitebait

Peperoncino with Sardine Fry

34Spaghetti Arrabiata


  1. Tomato Sauce / Bacon / Red Peppers

Spaghetti Arrabiata

35Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce


  1. Tomato Sauce / Basil / Mozzarella

Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce

36Pasta Pescatore with Seafood


  1. Fish and Shellfish / Tomato Sauce

Pasta Pescatore with Seafood

37Spaghetti alla Carbonara


  1. Fresh Cream / Eggs

Spaghetti alla Carbonara

38Eggplant-and-spinach Bolognese


  1. Eggplant / Spinach / Ground Meat

Eggplant-and-spinach Bolognese

39Mentaiko pasta with mushrooms and squid


  1. Spiced Walleye Roe / Mushrooms / Squid

Mentaiko pasta with mushrooms and squid

Price includes tax.

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