居酒屋革命 酔っ手羽 ヨドバシAkiba店Izakaya Yotteba Yodobashi Akiba

Address 〒101-0028
1-1, Yodobashi AKIBA 8F Kanda Hanaoka-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone +81-3-3251-4108
Location Akihabara
Category Izakaya,Other Japanese
URL https://yotteba.co.jp/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , UnionPay(銀聯) , ALIPAY , WeChat Pay , LINE Pay)
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 11:00 AM ~ 11:00 PM
Closed Always Open
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 1 min.walk from the Central Exit of Akihabara station
Price Range approx. 1,800yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Available (¥440/person)

Price includes tax.

1Deep-fried Chicken Wing Tips(Sauce & Spice)


Deep-fried Chicken Wing Tips(Sauce & Spice)

2Deep-fried Chicken Wing Tips(salt flavor)


Deep-fried Chicken Wing Tips(salt flavor)

3Green Soy Beans


Green Soy Beans

4Chilled Tomatoes


Chilled Tomatoes

5Deep-fried Eggplant with Ponzu sauce


Deep-fried Eggplant with Ponzu sauce

6Smoked quail eggs


Smoked quail eggs

7Whelk Pickled in Wasabi Horseradish


Whelk Pickled in Wasabi Horseradish

8Fried Horse-mackerel(2 pieces)


Fried Horse-mackerel(2 pieces)

9Chilled Tofu


Chilled Tofu

10Korean Pickled Cod Entrails


Korean Pickled Cod Entrails

11Chinese Yam Pickled in Wasabi Horseradish


Chinese Yam Pickled in Wasabi Horseradish

12Chicken Nuggets


Chicken Nuggets

13Fried Potatoes


Fried Potatoes

14Fried Chicken


Fried Chicken

15Fried Chicken with Yangnyeom Sauce


Fried Chicken with Yangnyeom Sauce

16Vinegared Fried Chicken with Tartar Sauce


Vinegared Fried Chicken with Tartar Sauce

17Chinese-style Fried Chicken Topped with Scallions and Sweet-and-sour Soy-sauce Dressing


Chinese-style Fried Chicken Topped with Scallions and Sweet-and-sour Soy-sauce Dressing

18Grilled fatty mackerel


Grilled fatty mackerel

19Grilled striped Atka mackerel


Grilled striped Atka mackerel

20Chicken Breast Sashimi


Chicken Breast Sashimi

21Cold Fatty Chicken Liver


Cold Fatty Chicken Liver

22Pork tongue sashimi


Pork tongue sashimi

23Yukhoe Korean Dish of RawChicken Fillet and Raw Egg


Yukhoe Korean Dish of RawChicken Fillet and Raw Egg

24Donburi Bowl of Rice Topped with Seafood


Donburi Bowl of Rice Topped with Seafood

25Set meal with 5 kinds of sashimi


Set meal with 5 kinds of sashimi

26Grilled Fatty Mackerel Set Menu


Grilled Fatty Mackerel Set Menu

27Striped Atka mackerel set meal


Striped Atka mackerel set meal

28Fried Horse-mackerel Set Menu


Fried Horse-mackerel Set Menu

29Fried-chicken Set Menu


Fried-chicken Set Menu

30Chicken Nanban set meal


Chicken Nanban set meal

31Chinese-style Fried Chicken Set Menu


Chinese-style Fried Chicken Set Menu

32Deep-fried-oysters Set Menu


Deep-fried-oysters Set Menu

33Ginger-fried Pork Set Menu


Ginger-fried Pork Set Menu

34Fried Noodles Flavored with Worcestershire Sauce


Fried Noodles Flavored with Worcestershire Sauce

35Japanese Napolitan-style Spaghetti


Japanese Napolitan-style Spaghetti

36Vanilla Ice Cream


Vanilla Ice Cream

Price includes tax.

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