
Address 〒114-0031
1-1-2 Jyujyounakahara, Kita-ku, Tokyo
Phone +81-3-3908-0975
Location Ikebukuro
Category Ramen
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 11:00 AM ~ 00:30 AM
Closed Always Open
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 1 min.walk from the North ticket gate of Jujo station
Price Range approx. 1,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white

2Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red

3Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black

4Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white vegetables


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white vegetables

5Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red vegetables


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red  vegetables

6Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black vegetables


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black vegetables

7Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white All toppings


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white All toppings

8Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red All toppings


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red All toppings

9Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black All toppings


Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black All toppings

10Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock white Thick noodles


11Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock red Thick noodles


12Ramen Noodles with Pork-bone Stock black Thick noodles


13Noodles with Dipping seafood Sauce 


Noodles with Dipping seafood Sauce 

14Noodles with Dipping All toppingsseafood Sauce 


15Fish and Shellfish,Soy Sauce Ramen Noodles


Fish and Shellfish,Soy Sauce Ramen Noodles

16Salt Ramen Noodles


Salt Ramen Noodles

17half Fried Rice


half Fried Rice

18Fried Gyoza Dumplings


Fried Gyoza Dumplings

19Deep-fat Fried Foods


20Chinese-style Fried Chicken Topped with Scallions and Sweet-and-sour Soy-sauce Dressing


21Deep-fried Gyoza Dumplings


22Fried Potatoes


23Spicy green onion


24Spicy Roast Pork Fillet


25Mayonnaise,Cucumbers Dressed Ingredients


26Pounded Cucumbers


27Roast Pork Fillet


28Shrimp Crackers




Price includes tax.

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