Address 〒104-0045
4-10-10 Tsukiji,Chuo-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-6228-4155
Location Others
Category Other
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , LINE Pay , Suica/PASMO)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 08:00 AM ~ 05:00 PM
Closed Always Open
Options Takeout only. Eat-in space will be available from 2020.
Menu Language 日本語,English
Access 5 min.walk from the 1 of Tsukiji station
Price Range approx. 3,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Taxes Not Included

1Spicy Cod Roe(Small)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Spicy Cod Roe(Small)

2Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)

3Spicy Cod Roe(Large)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Spicy Cod Roe(Large)

4Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Small)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Small)

5Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe

Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)

6Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Large)


Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Large)

7Spicy Cod Roe(Small)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Spicy Cod Roe(Small)

8Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)

9Spicy Cod Roe(Large)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Spicy Cod Roe(Large)

10Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Small)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Small)

11Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)


  • 魚

  1. Spiced Walleye Roe / Spicy Cod Roe

Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Medium)

12Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Large)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Uncolored Spicy Cod Roe(Large)

13Cod Roe(Small Size)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Cod Roe(Small Size)

14Cod Roe(Medium Size)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Cod Roe(Medium Size)

15Cod Roe(Large Size)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Cod Roe(Large Size)

16Cod Roe(Small Size)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Cod Roe(Small Size)

17Cod Roe(Medium Size)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Cod Roe(Medium Size)

18Cod Roe(Large Size)


  • 魚

  1. Spicy Cod Roe / Spiced Walleye Roe

Cod Roe(Large Size)

19Shredded, Semidried, Seasoned Squid


  • いか

  1. Kensaki Squid

Shredded, Semidried, Seasoned Squid

20Shredded, Semidried, Seasoned Squid


  • いか

  1. Kensaki Squid

Shredded, Semidried, Seasoned Squid

21Shredded, Semidried, Seasoned Squid


  • いか

  1. Kensaki Squid

Shredded, Semidried, Seasoned Squid

22Daifuku Mochi Filled with Sweet Bean Paste and strawberry


Daifuku Mochi Filled with Sweet Bean Paste and strawberry

23Daifuku Mochi Filled with Maccha paste jam and strawberry


Daifuku Mochi Filled with Maccha paste jam and strawberry

24Daifuku Mochi Filled with White chocolate paste and strawberry


Daifuku Mochi Filled with White chocolate paste and strawberry

25Daifuku Mochi Filled with bean paste cream


Daifuku Mochi Filled with bean paste cream

26Daifuku Mochi Filled with Maccha cream


Daifuku Mochi Filled with Maccha cream

27Daifuku Mochi Filled with White chocolate cream


Daifuku Mochi Filled with White chocolate cream

28Fried Mochi in Broth


Fried Mochi in Broth

29Skewered Broiled Dumplings with Sweetened-soy-sauce Glaze


Skewered Broiled Dumplings with Sweetened-soy-sauce Glaze

30Foods Grilled with Seaweeds


Foods Grilled with Seaweeds

31Raw whitebait


  • 魚

  1. Raw whitebait

Raw whitebait

32Japanese Sake (Dassai)


Japanese Sake (Dassai)

33Sparkling Japanese Sake(Dassai)


Sparkling Japanese Sake(Dassai)

34Kelp Simmered in Sweetened Spicy Soy Sauce


Kelp Simmered in Sweetened Spicy Soy Sauce

35Salted Perilla Fruit with Sea Weed


Salted Perilla Fruit with Sea Weed

36Draught Beer (Sapporo)


Draught Beer (Sapporo)

37Whisky Sour Cocktail(Hyosai)


Whisky Sour Cocktail(Hyosai)

38Whisky Highball


Whisky Highball

Taxes Not Included

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