Address 〒101-0021
4-14-1, Akihabara UDX Building 2F Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone +81-3-5289-0844
Location Akihabara
Category Italian / French / Spanish food
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , Suica/PASMO)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Daytime 11:00 AM ~ 03:00 PM
Night 05:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11:00AM-10:00PM
Closed Varied
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 3 min.walk from the Electric Town Exit of Akihabara station
Price Range approx. 3,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Tomato Sauce with 3 Types of Tomatoes, M Mozzarella Cheese & Basil


Lunch Menu

Tomato Sauce with 3 Types of Tomatoes, M Mozzarella Cheese & Basil

2Garlic Oil with Salsiccia & Chickpeas


Lunch Menu

Garlic Oil with Salsiccia & Chickpeas

3Puttanesca with Shrimp, Olives & Capers


Lunch Menu

Puttanesca with Shrimp, Olives & Capers

4Bolognese with Brown Mushrooms


Lunch Menu

Bolognese with Brown Mushrooms

5Carbonara with Thickly Sliced Bacon


Lunch Menu

Carbonara with Thickly Sliced Bacon

6Tomato Cream Sauce with Shrimps & Rucola


Lunch Menu

Tomato Cream Sauce with Shrimps & Rucola

7Sea Urchin Cream Sauce with Small Scallops & Kujo green onion


Lunch Menu

Sea Urchin Cream Sauce with Small Scallops & Kujo green onion

8Bologna Style Lasagna


Lunch Menu

Bologna Style Lasagna

9Lunch Drink Set Menu(Weekday)


Weekdays Only / Lunch Only

10Lunch Dessert & Drink Set Menu(Weekday)


Weekdays Only / Lunch Only

11Lunch Drink Set Menu(Holiday)


Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays / Lunch Only

12Lunch Drink Set Menu(Holiday)


Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays / Lunch Only

13Lunch Drink Set Menu(Holiday)


Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays / Lunch Only

14Lunch Drink Set Menu(Holiday)


Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays / Lunch Only

Price includes tax.

Browse the Menu