ごっつい新橋烏森店gottui shinbashikarasumori

Address 〒105-0004
2-15-4 Shimbashi,Minato-ku,Tokyo
Location Shimbashi
Category Okonomi-yaki / Monja,Teppan-yaki
Smoking Designated smoking room available
(A smoking room intended for smoking only (no food or drink allowed))
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Night 04:00 PM ~ 11:00 PM
Closed Varied
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 3 min.walk from the Karasumori Exit of Shimbashi station
Price Range approx. 3,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Chinese Cabbage,Kimchi Kimchi


Chinese Cabbage,Kimchi Kimchi

2Yuzu Citron,Tomatoes Dressed Ingredients


Yuzu Citron,Tomatoes Dressed Ingredients

3Ground Meat,Bell Peppers Dressed Ingredients


4Chinese Cabbage,Kelp,Salt,Dressing Salad


5Yuzu Citron,Citrus-based Sauce,Cucumbers Dressed Ingredients


6Grated Spicy Cod Roe


7Thick Japanese Omelet Made with Stock


8Spiced Walleye Roe Thick Japanese Omelet Made with Stock and OO


9Toasted Onigiri Rice Balls Basted


10Nuts,Raisins,Figs,Honey Mixed with Cream Cheese


Nuts,Raisins,Figs,Honey Mixed with Cream Cheese

11Nagaimo Yams Sautéed in Butter and Soy Sauce


Nagaimo Yams Sautéed in Butter and Soy Sauce

Price includes tax.

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