Address 〒193-0844
1783-12 Takaomachi, Hachioji City, Tokyo
Phone +81-42-698-3118
Location Tama Vicinity (Tachikawa and Hachioiji)
Category Curry and Rice or Rice Bowl Dishes
URL https://higasicurry.wp.xdomain.jp/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , UnionPay(銀聯) , ALIPAY , Suica/PASMO)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Daytime 11:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM
Night 05:30 PM ~ 08:30 PM
Open only on Fridays
Closed Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Saturday
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,francais
Access 3 min.walk from the ticket gate of Takaosanguchi station
Price Range approx. 1,500yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Ginger Ale


2Orange Juice


3Apple Juice


4Melon-flavored Soda Pop


5Carbonated Water


6Lemon Squash


7Black Tea


8Oolong Tea


9Blended Coffee


10Cold-water-brewed Iced Coffee


Price includes tax.

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