酒菜庵ちゃぼうずsyusaian chabouzu

Address 〒104-0061
1-4-6 nasudabiru 2F Ginza,Chuo-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-3567-0007
Location Ginza
Category Izakaya,Other Japanese
Smoking Smoking room available
(Smoking seats in a restaurant with no employed workers, where eating/drinking and smoking are allowed.)
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , UnionPay(銀聯))
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Night 05:00 PM ~ 00:00 AM
Closed New Year's Holiday
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 1 min.walk from the 6 of Ginza-Itchome station
Price Range approx. 4,500yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Available (¥500/person)

Taxes Not Included

1Deep-fried Burdock Root


Specialty of the House

Deep-fried Burdock Root

2Sea-urchin Mousse


Bestselling Dishes

  1. Raw Sea Urchin / Milk / Fresh Cream / Eggs

Sea-urchin Mousse

3Sashimi Assortment


Seasonal Dishes

Sashimi Assortment

4Fermented Soy Beans,Tuna Red Meat,Scallions Dressed Ingredients


  1. Fermented Soy Beans / Tuna Red Meat / Scallions / Pickled Island Daikon Radish / Perilla Leaves / Wasabi Horseradish

Fermented Soy Beans,Tuna Red Meat,Scallions Dressed Ingredients

5Tartar Sauce


  1. Tuna Red Meat / Avocado

Tartar Sauce

6Non-fried Spring Rolls


  • 海老

  1. Shrimp / Avocado / Lettuce / Mayonnaise

Non-fried Spring Rolls



  1. Jellyfish


8Seafood Salad


  1. Lettuce / Tomatoes / Tofu / Tuna

Seafood Salad

9Caesar Salad


  1. Lettuce / Fermented Soy Beans / Eggs

Caesar Salad

10Chilled Tomatoes


Chilled Tomatoes

11Assorted Pickled Ingredients


Assorted Pickled Ingredients

12Grilled Chicken


  1. Chicken Thigh Meat / Saltiness / Condiment Paste Made of Yuzu Zest and Green Chili Peppers

Grilled Chicken

13Grilled Chicken


  1. Chicken Thigh Meat / Ume / Perilla Leaves / Dried, Fermented, and Smoked Bonito

Grilled Chicken

14Grilled Chicken


  1. Chicken Thigh Meat / Mayonnaise / Onions

Grilled Chicken

15Deep-fried Chicken Cartilage


Deep-fried Chicken Cartilage

16Liver Pâté


  1. Liver

Liver Pâté

17Simmered Giblets


  1. Honeycomb Tripe / Sendai Miso / Wheat Gluten

Simmered Giblets

18Grilled Pork


  1. Pork / Horseradish / Scallions

Grilled Pork

19Roast Pork Fillet


  • 豚肉

  1. Pork / Scallions / Mayonnaise / Lettuce

Roast Pork Fillet

20Satsuma-style Deep-fried Fish-paste Patties


Satsuma-style Deep-fried Fish-paste Patties

21Piquant Deep-frying


  1. Squid Tentacles

Piquant Deep-frying

22Thick Omelet


Thick Omelet

23Cream-cheese Mousse


  • 小麦
  • 大豆
  • はちみつ

Cream-cheese Mousse



  1. Crab Claws / Miso-like Paste inside Crab Shells


25Salted Squid Viscera


Salted Squid Viscera

26Chilled Tofu


Chilled Tofu

27Shuto Pickled Bonito Entrails


  1. Cheese

Shuto Pickled Bonito Entrails

28Korean Pickled Cod Entrails


Korean Pickled Cod Entrails

29Squid Pickled in Soy Sauce


  1. Firefly Squid

Squid Pickled in Soy Sauce

30Squid Dried Overnight


  1. Firefly Squid

Squid Dried Overnight

31Toasted Onigiri Rice Balls Basted with Soy Sauce


  1. Dried, Fermented, and Smoked Bonito / Perilla Leaves

Toasted Onigiri Rice Balls Basted with Soy Sauce

32Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Ume)


Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Ume)

33Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Salmon)


Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Salmon)

34Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Seaweed)


Ochazuke Rice-and-tea (Seaweed)

35Cooked Rice with Various Added Ingredients


  1. Mackerel / Perilla

Cooked Rice with Various Added Ingredients

36Rice Cooked with Seasonal Ingredients


  1. Rice

Rice Cooked with Seasonal Ingredients

37California Roll Sushi


  1. Shrimp

California Roll Sushi

38Salt-favored Ramen Noodles


  1. Pork / Boiled Eggs

Salt-favored Ramen Noodles

39Draught Beer


Draught Beer

40Bottled Beer


Bottled Beer

41Japanese Sake


Japanese Sake

42Liquor Distilled from Sweet Potatoes


Liquor Distilled from Sweet Potatoes

43Okinawan Awamori Liquor


Okinawan Awamori Liquor

44Shochu with Oolong Tea


45Green-tea and Distilled-liquor Beverage


Green-tea and Distilled-liquor Beverage

46Highball Cocktail


Highball Cocktail

47Highball Made with Shochu Clear Distilled Liquor





49Ume Liquor


Ume Liquor

50Lemon Sour Cocktail


Lemon Sour Cocktail

51Iced Oolong Tea


52Orange Juice




54Ginger Ale


Taxes Not Included

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