Address 〒110-0001
3-2-3 Yanaka,Taito-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-3821-3922
Location Others
Category Sushi
URL http://www.sushi-noike.com/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Daytime 11:30 AM ~ 02:00 PM
Night 04:30 PM ~ 10:00 PM
Sunday/Holiday 11:30~20:00
Closed Wednesday
Menu Language 日本語,English
Access 2 min.walk from the Dangozakasita of Sendagi station
Price Range approx. 2,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Taxes Not Included

1Conger-eel Nigiri Sushi


  • あなご、うなぎ

One-person Serving / Eight Pieces of Sushi

Conger-eel Nigiri Sushi

2Donburi Bowl of Rice Topped with Conger-eel


  • あなご、うなぎ

Donburi Bowl of Rice Topped with Conger-eel

3Nigiri Sushi (Top-grade)


  • 魚
  • 貝類
  • あなご、うなぎ
  • 海老
  • 卵

Nigiri Sushi (Top-grade)

4Nigiri Sushi(Top-grade)


  • 魚
  • あなご、うなぎ
  • 海老
  • 卵

Nigiri Sushi(Top-grade)

5Nigiri Sushi


  • 魚
  • 貝類
  • 海老
  • 卵

Nigiri Sushi

6Nigiri Sushi


  • 魚
  • 海老
  • 卵

Nigiri Sushi

7Sushi Rice with Various Toppings(Top-grade)


  • 魚
  • 貝類
  • あなご、うなぎ
  • たこ
  • 海老

Sushi Rice with Various Toppings(Top-grade)

8Sushi Rice with Various Toppings


  • 魚
  • 貝類
  • 海老

Sushi Rice with Various Toppings

9Sushi Rice with Various Toppings


  • 魚
  • 海老

Sushi Rice with Various Toppings

10Donburi Bowl of Riced Topped with Sliced Raw Tuna


  • 魚

Donburi Bowl of Riced Topped with Sliced Raw Tuna

11Sushi Rolls with Raw Tuna


  • 魚

Sushi Rolls with Raw Tuna

12Cucumber Sushi Rolls


Cucumber Sushi Rolls

13Dried-gourd Sushi Rolls


Dried-gourd Sushi Rolls

14Conger-eel and Cucumber Rolled Sushi


Conger-eel and Cucumber Rolled Sushi

15Carbonated Water


Carbonated Water

16Bottled Beer


  • 酒

Taxes Not Included

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