Address 〒105-0004
1-18-1 kokukaikan1F Shimbashi,Minato-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-70-2625-9691
Location Shimbashi
Category Other Japanese,Western-style food
URL http//www.hinoya.info
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Morning 11:00 AM ~ 09:00 PM
Saturday 11am~17pm, sunday/holiday close
Closed Sunday,Holidays,New Year's Holiday
Options champion of curry in Japn
Menu Language 日本語,English,简体中文,繁体
Access 4 min.walk from the hibiya Exit of Shimbashi station
Price Range approx. 840yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Egg Curry


  • 牛肉
  • 卵
  • 小麦

Small portions on request.

  1. Soft-boiled Egg

Egg Curry

2Curry and Rice with Pork Cutlet


  • 牛肉
  • 豚肉
  • 小麦

Bestselling Dishes / Plenty of / Piping Hot / Spicy Hot / Spicy / Small portions on request.

  1. Pork Loin

Curry and Rice with Pork Cutlet

3Japanese Curry with Chicken Cutlet


  • 鶏肉
  • 牛肉
  • 小麦

Chef's Recommendations

  1. Chicken Thigh Meat

Japanese Curry with Chicken Cutlet

4Cheese Curry


  • 牛肉
  • 乳
  • 小麦

This is the dish everybody's talking about.

  1. Cheese

Cheese Curry

5Japanese Vegetable Curry


  • 牛肉
  • 小麦

  1. Eggplant / Tomatoes / Okra

Japanese Vegetable Curry

6Mushroom Curry


  • 牛肉
  • きのこ
  • 小麦

  1. Enoki Mushrooms / Eringi Oyster Mushrooms / Beech Shimeji Mushrooms / Mushrooms

Mushroom Curry

Price includes tax.

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