粉や立川店konaya tachikawa
Address | 〒190-0012 2-10-10 gokouakebonodaiichibuilding 5F Akebono-cho,Tachikawa-shi,Tokyo |
Phone | +81-42-595-9879 | Location | Tama Vicinity (Tachikawa and Hachioiji) |
Category | Okonomi-yaki / Monja |
Smoking | Smoke-free |
Card/mobile payment | Credit Cards Not Accepted |
Free Wi-Fi | Available |
Big screen for watching sports | Not Available |
Hours |
Daytime 11:00 AM ~ 11:00 PM |
Closed | Always Open |
Options | The last order of all you can eat is 70 minutes from the start. |
Menu Language | 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体 |
Access | 4 min.walk from the North of Tachikawa station |
Price Range | approx. 1,700yen |
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) | Not Available |
Price includes tax.
1Savory Pancakes (Pork)
2Pork,Kimchi in Pan-fried Batter with Various Ingredients
3Pork Fried Noodles
Price includes tax.