Address 〒111-0032
1-17-8 Asakusa Bld 1F Asakusa,Taito-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-6802-8840
Location Asakusa & Sumida River
Category Izakaya,Other Japanese
URL https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1311/A131102/13206326/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , UnionPay(銀聯))
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Night 02:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM
Saturday 12:00~22:00 Sunday 12:00~20:00
Closed Varied
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 3 min.walk from the 1 of Asakusa station
Price Range approx. 2,500yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Raw Oysters


  • 貝類

Recommended Menu / M (Medium) / Produced on Hokkaido / Raw / Deliciousness / Delicious / Richly Flavored / Availability Limited

  1. Raw Oysters

Raw Oysters

2Raw Oysters


  • 貝類

S (Small) / Produced on Hokkaido / Strong

Raw Oysters

3Raw Oysters


Recommended Menu / L (Large) / Produced in Iwate Prefecture / Deliciousness

Raw Oysters

4Raw Oysters


  • 貝類

S (Small) / Produced in Hiroshima Prefecture / Light and Refreshing Taste

Raw Oysters

5Raw Oysters


M (Medium) / Produced in Hyogo Prefecture

Raw Oysters

6Japanese-style Roasted Oysters


  • 貝類

Bestselling Dishes / Produced in Kagawa Prefecture / Baked / Piping Hot / Delicious / Richly Flavored

  1. Oysters

Japanese-style Roasted Oysters

7Oysters Gratin


  • 貝類
  • きのこ
  • 乳
  • 小麦

House-recommended / One-person Serving / High Heat / Piping Hot / Delicious / Availability Limited

  1. Béchamel Sauce / Oysters / Shimeji Mushrooms / Eringi Oyster Mushrooms / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings

Oysters Gratin

8Oysters Deep-fried


Bestselling Dishes / One-person Serving / Demi-portion / Deep-fried Food

  1. Oysters / Bread Crumbs / Eggs / Wheat Flour

Oysters Deep-fried

9 Oysters,Shrimp Fried in Garlic Oil


 Oysters,Shrimp Fried in Garlic Oil

10Oysters,Seasonal Vegetables Sauté


  • 貝類
  • にんにく類
  • 根菜

Recommended Menu / Chef's Recommendations

  1. Oysters / Butter / Olive Oil / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings / Vegetables

Oysters,Seasonal Vegetables Sauté

11Assorted Hors d'oeuvres


Bestselling Dishes / Seasonal Dishes / Economical

Assorted Hors d'oeuvres

12Miso-like Paste inside Crab Shells


  • 蟹

Deliciousness / Richly Flavored

  1. Miso-like Paste inside Crab Shells

Miso-like Paste inside Crab Shells

13Firefly Squid Pickled in Soy Sauce


  • いか

Very Salty

  1. Firefly Squid / Soy Sauce

Firefly Squid Pickled in Soy Sauce

14Mozuku Seaweed Seasoned with Vinegar


  1. Mozuku Edible Seaweeds / Vinegar / Soy Sauce

Mozuku Seaweed Seasoned with Vinegar

15Salmon Roe Dressed with Grated Daikon Radish


Raw / Deliciousness / Light and Refreshing Taste

  1. Salmon Roe / Daikon Radish

Salmon Roe Dressed with Grated Daikon Radish

16Taros Simmered Dish


  • 根菜

Flavors of Japanese Cuisine / Cooking / Richly Flavored / Light and Refreshing Taste / Available Only in the Summer

  1. Taros / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings / Dark Japanese Soy Sauce / Lighter-colored Soy Sauce / Mirin, Sweet Sake

Taros Simmered Dish

17Raw Wheat Gluten,Tofu Skins Deep-fried and Steeped in Sweetened Soy Sauce


  • 小麦

  1. Raw Wheat Gluten / Tofu Skins / Seasonal Vegetables / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings

Raw Wheat Gluten,Tofu Skins Deep-fried and Steeped in Sweetened Soy Sauce

18Sliced Tomatoes


19Seasonal Vegetables Tempura


  • やまいも
  • きのこ
  • 根菜
  • 小麦

Flavors of Japanese Cuisine / Heaped in a Basket / Deep-fried Food / Light and Simple Foods

  1. Seasonal Vegetables

Seasonal Vegetables Tempura

20Conger Eel Tempura


  1. Conger Eel

Conger Eel Tempura

21Mackerel Grilled or Broiled Salted Ingredients


  • 魚

Flavors of Japanese Cuisine / Baked / Piping Hot / Deliciousness / Delicious

  1. Mackerel

Mackerel Grilled or Broiled Salted Ingredients

22Dried Okhotsk Atka Mackerel


  • 魚

Recommendations / Baked / Piping Hot / Deliciousness / Delicious

  1. Okhotsk Atka Mackerel

Dried Okhotsk Atka Mackerel

23Deep-fried Chicken


  • 鶏肉
  • 卵
  • 小麦

Piping Hot / Deliciousness / Oily or Rich

  1. Chicken Meat / Garlic / Ginger / Dark Japanese Soy Sauce / Soy Sauce / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings

Deep-fried Chicken

24Deep-fried Chicken Wings


Deep-fried Food / Spicy Hot / This is hot and spicy.

  1. Chicken Wings / Red Peppers

Deep-fried Chicken Wings

25Deep-fried Taros


Flavors of Japanese Cuisine / Cooking / Deliciousness

  1. Taros / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings

Deep-fried Taros

26Nagaimo Yams Deep-fried


Piping Hot

  1. Nagaimo Yams / Potato Starch

Nagaimo Yams Deep-fried

27Cooked-rice Soup with Scallops,Mushrooms


  • 貝類
  • きのこ
  • 卵

Recommendations / Warm / Deliciousness / Delicious

  1. Scallops / Enoki Mushrooms / Eggs / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings / Rice

Cooked-rice Soup with Scallops,Mushrooms

28Scallops,Mushrooms Udon Noodles


  • 貝類
  • きのこ
  • 卵

Recommendations / Cooking / Warm

  1. Scallops / Enoki Mushrooms / Potherb Mustard Greens / Eggs / First Stock Made with Dried Kelp and Dried Bonito Shavings

Scallops,Mushrooms Udon Noodles

29Simmered Beef Tendons


30Onigiri Rice Balls with Oysters,Shredded Beef Simmered in Sweetened Soy Sauce


31Summer Vegetables in Aspic


32Salt-Parched Gingko Nuts


33Bonito Sashimi


Price includes tax.

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