やきとんひなた志村坂上店Yakitonhinata Shimurasakaueten

Address 〒174-0056
1-13-4, Kawaguchi Building 1F Shimura,Itabashi-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-3558-6429
Location Others
Category Izakaya
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Night 04:00 PM ~ 00:00 AM
Weekdays 17:00~24:00 / Saturday 16:00~24:00 / Sundays and holidays 16:00~23:00
Closed New Year's Holiday
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 1 min.walk from the A2 of Shimurasakaue station
Price Range approx. 2,500yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Available (¥110/person)

Price includes tax.

1Grilled pork skewers Assorted


  1. Pork

2Grilled pork skewers Assorted


  1. Pork

3Grilled pork skewers Single


  • 豚肉

  1. Pork

4Grilled pork skewers Single


  • 豚肉

  1. Pork

5Grilled Pork Kebabs


  • 豚肉

6Grilled Pork Kebabs


  • 豚肉

7Grilled Pork Kebabs


  • 豚肉

8Grilled Pork Kebabs


  • 豚肉

9Meat rolled tomato skewers


  • 豚肉

  1. Pork

10Meat rolled asparagus skewers


  • 豚肉

11Meat rolled fresh ginger skewers


  • 豚肉

12Simmered Giblets


13Stewed tofu


14Steamed Shumai Dumplings


15Steamed Shumai Dumplings


16Homemade tsukune


17Tsukune with ponzu vinegar and grated white radish


18Deep fried chicken thigh


  • 鶏肉

19Deep fried Ham and Cheese Cutlet


20Deep fried chicken breast cartilage


21Deep-fried Offal


22Deep fried offal


23Mix salad with chicken fillet, Lady finger&Tomato


24Tomato Caesar salad


25Potato Salad


26Additional cod roe


27Lightly cooked liver with green onion sauce


28Curry flavored stir fried offal


29Honey Cream Cheese Dip


30Additional baguette


31Boiled garlic in o


32Spicy cod roe




34Tongue base with ponzu vinegar


35Pickled cucumber


36"Bang bang chicken fillet and cucumber"


37Cold tofu with lots of seasoning


38Chilled Tomatoes


39Pickled yam




41Pickled Japanese Scallions


42Pork and rice


43Minced pork bolognese


  • 豚肉

Price includes tax.

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