推し活居酒屋 〇〇の会Oshikatsu Izakaya marumarunokai

Address 〒170-0013
1-13-11, THE KINDAI 7 IKEBUKURO 4F Higashikebukuro,Toshima-ku,Tokyo
Location Ikebukuro
Category Izakaya,Other
URL https://oshikatsu-izakaya.jp/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , UnionPay(銀聯) , ALIPAY , WeChat Pay , LINE Pay , Suica/PASMO)
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Available
Hours Night 04:00 PM ~ 11:00 PM
Closed Monday
Options A separate room fee will be charged.
Menu Language 日本語,English
Access 5 min.walk from the East Exit of Ikebukuro station
Price Range approx. 5,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Spaghetti alla Carbonara


Spaghetti alla Carbonara

2Japanese special Curry


Japanese special Curry

Price includes tax.

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