一笑らーめんIssyou Ramen

Address 〒175-093
2-6-4, Yutaka Building 1F Akatsuka-shinmachi,Itabashi-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-5904-1147
Location Others
Category Ramen
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 11:00 AM ~ 11:00 PM
Daytime 11:00 AM ~ 03:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00AM-11:00PMWednesday 11:00AM-3:00PM
Closed Always Open
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 5 min.walk from the 1 of Chikatetsu-Akatsuka station
Price Range approx. 1,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Pork Salt-favored Ramen Noodles


  • 豚肉
  • 卵
  • 小麦

  1. Pork Belly and Bones Simmered in Miso / Pork / Dried and Fermented Bamboo Shoots / Seaweed

Pork Salt-favored Ramen Noodles

2Pork Soy-sauce-flavored Ramen Noodles


  • 豚肉
  • 卵
  • 小麦

  1. Pork Belly and Bones Simmered in Miso / Pork / Dried and Fermented Bamboo Shoots / Japanese Mustard Spinach / Scallions / Seaweed

Pork Soy-sauce-flavored Ramen Noodles

3Pork Ramen Noodles in Miso-flavored Broth


  • 豚肉
  • 卵
  • 小麦

  1. Pork Belly and Bones Simmered in Miso / Pork / Bean Sprouts / Seaweed

Pork Ramen Noodles in Miso-flavored Broth

4Soy-sauce-marinated Soft-boiled Eggs


  • 卵

  1. Soft-boiled Egg

Soy-sauce-marinated Soft-boiled Eggs

5Another Serving of Ramen Noodles


  • 小麦

Another Serving of Ramen Noodles

6Draft Beer (Medium)


Draft Beer (Medium)

Price includes tax.

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