ぎょうてん屋 町田店gyoutenya machidaten

Address 〒194-0013
4-11-14 Haramachida,Machida-shi,Tokyo
Phone +81-42-724-5444
Location Others
Category Ramen
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 10:00 AM ~ 00:50 AM
Closed Always Open
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文
Access 5 min.walk from the South Exit of Machida station
Price Range approx. 1,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Pork bone soy sauce ramen


  • 鶏肉
  • 豚肉
  • 小麦
  • 大豆

Specialty of the House

Pork bone soy sauce ramen

2Giro is Jiro-style ramen.


  • 鶏肉
  • 豚肉
  • にんにく類
  • 小麦
  • 大豆

Bestselling Dishes / Ordinary / Three hundred

  1. Pork Short Ribs

Giro is Jiro-style ramen.

3ramen soup topped with slices of roasted pork


  • 鶏肉
  • 豚肉
  • 小麦
  • 大豆

You'll find this dish very filling.

ramen soup topped with slices of roasted pork

4Jiro-style ramen without soup


  • 豚肉
  • にんにく類
  • 卵
  • 小麦
  • 大豆

Ordinary / Three hundred

Jiro-style ramen without soup

5Salt-favored Ramen Noodles


  • 鶏肉
  • 豚肉
  • 小麦
  • 大豆

Especially Made

  1. Salt

Salt-favored Ramen Noodles

Price includes tax.

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