Address 〒130-0015
1-12-21 Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Phone +81-3-5608-7580
Location Akihabara
Category Yaki-niku / Steak,Italian / French / Spanish food
URL https://ryogokuterrace.jp/atmos/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , Suica/PASMO)
Free Wi-Fi Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Daytime 11:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM
Night 05:00 AM ~ 09:30 PM
Saturday/ Sunday/ Holiday 11:30 - 21:00
Closed Varied
Options A restaurant with a beautiful view, night view visible, hidden gem restaurant, standalone house restaurant
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,Việt
Access 6 min.walk from the West Exit of Ryogoku station
Price Range approx. 3,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Margarita Pizza


  • 乳
  • 卵
  • 小麦

Specialty of the House / High-quality / Especially Made

  1. Tomatoes / Mozzarella / Basil

Margarita Pizza

2Quattro Formaggi Pizza with Four Kinds of Cheese


  • 乳
  • 卵
  • 小麦
  • はちみつ

Specialty of the House / This is something children like. / High-quality / Especially Made

  1. Cheese / Honey

Quattro Formaggi Pizza with Four Kinds of Cheese

3Seafood Genovese Pizza


  • 魚
  • 乳
  • 卵
  • 小麦

A perfect match for beer or sake. / High-quality / Especially Made

Seafood Genovese Pizza

4Awaji beef Bolognese Bismarck


Awaji beef Bolognese Bismarck

5Uncooked Ham Mélange


  • 豚肉
  • なまもの

A perfect match for beer or sake. / Ready immediately.

Uncooked Ham Mélange

6Deep-fried Chicken Meat


  • 鶏肉
  • 小麦

Flavors of Japanese Cuisine / A perfect match for beer or sake. / This is something children like. / Addictive

Deep-fried Chicken Meat

7Fried Potatoes


Fried Potatoes

8Salad of the Day Set Menu


Economical / S (Small) / Lunch Only

9Dessert of the Day Set Menu


S (Small) / Lunchtime Only

Price includes tax.

Browse the Menu