Address | 〒123-0852 3-50-10 Sekibara,Adachi-ku,Tokyo |
Phone | +81-3-3880-8988 | Location | Ueno |
Category | Bar, Beer Hall |
Smoking |
Designated smoking room available (A smoking room intended for smoking only (no food or drink allowed)) |
Card/mobile payment | Credit Cards Not Accepted |
Free Wi-Fi | Not Available |
Big screen for watching sports | Not Available |
Hours |
Daytime 12:00 PM ~ 02:00 AM |
Closed | Varied |
Menu Language | 日本語,English |
Access | 8 min.walk from the East of Nishiarai station |
Price Range | approx. 1,200yen |
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) | Not Available |
Taxes Not Included
1Octopus Dumplings 6balls
2Octopus Dumplings 10balls
3cheese Octopus Dumplings 6 balls
4jalapeno pepper Octopus Dumplings 6 balls
5soup Octopus Dumplings 3 balls
6Octopus Dumplings bitwteem Soft rice cracker
Taxes Not Included