
Address 〒114-0003
2-7-11, Toshima,Kita-ku,Tokyo
Phone +81-3-3911-9433
Location Others
Category Izakaya
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Not Accepted
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 06:00 PM ~ 09:00 PM
Closed Sunday,Monday,Holidays
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 11 min.walk from the North Exit of Oji station
Price Range approx. 3,500yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Taxes Not Included

1Kiritampo Hotpot with Toasted Cylinders of Mashed Rice


2Seasonal dishes Course(Prices vary depending on the season)


Six Sorts

3Seasonal dishes Course(Prices vary depending on the season)


Eight Sorts

4Seasonal dishes Course(Prices vary depending on the season)


Ten Sorts

5Draught Beer


6sour Cocktail


7Japanese Sake Harukasumi


8Clear Distilled Liquor


Taxes Not Included

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