Address 〒184-0013
5-9-11 Maehara-cho,Koganei-shi,Tokyo
Location Tama Vicinity (other areas)
Category Ramen
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (LINE Pay)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours 11:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM
Closed Monday,New Year's Holiday
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 15 min.walk from the South of Musashikoganei station
Price Range approx. 1,000yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Not Available

Price includes tax.

1Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles



Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles

2Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles(1.5 times noodle)


Large Helping

3Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles (1.5 times noodle)


Heaping Portion

4Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles (2.5 times noodle)


Heaping Portion

5Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles with Sliced Leek



6Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles with Roast Pork



7Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles with Roast Pork Fillet and Sliced Leek



8Children's Soy-sauce-and-oil-dressed Ramen Noodles with Topping Ingredients


Price includes tax.

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