Address 〒100-0011
2-1-1, IINO BUILDING B1F Uchisaiwai-cho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
Location Shimbashi
Category Izakaya,Other Japanese
URL https://inataya.co.jp/restaurant/kasumigaseki/
Smoking Smoke-free
Card/mobile payment Credit Cards Accepted  (JCB , VISA , Master Card , AMERICAN EXPRESS , Diners Club , UnionPay(銀聯) , Suica/PASMO)
Free Wi-Fi Not Available
Big screen for watching sports Not Available
Hours Daytime 11:30 AM ~ 02:30 PM
Night 05:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM
Lunch time last orders are at 2 PM. Dinner time last orders are at 9 PM.
Closed Sunday,Saturday,Holidays,New Year's Holiday
Options We have a mini-Komodaru. You can enjoy the traditional way to celebrate with Kagamibiraki.
Menu Language 日本語,English,한국어,简体中文,繁体
Access 1 min.walk from the C4 of Kasumigaseki station
Price Range approx. 6,600yen
Misc. Charges (Cover Charge, Service Charge, Appetizers, etc.) Available(only at night) (¥580/person,10%)

Price includes tax.

1"Mini Komodaru(Barrel)" – Kagami Biraki Set ※Small decorative sake barrel set for the traditional ceremony. (For celebrations such as weddings and new years)


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Recommendations / Availability Limited / Reservations Required

"Mini Komodaru(Barrel)" – Kagami Biraki Set ※Small decorative sake barrel set for the traditional ceremony. (For celebrations such as weddings and new years)

2"JUMMAI-SHU SET" 3 kinds of sake ※Jummai-shu:Sake made only rice and rice koji(without addition brewers alcohol) 〔jummai daiginjo-shu/jummai ginjo-shu/jummai-shu〕


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"JUMMAI-SHU SET" 3 kinds of sake ※Jummai-shu:Sake made only rice and rice koji(without addition brewers alcohol) 〔jummai daiginjo-shu/jummai ginjo-shu/jummai-shu〕

3"GINJO-SHU SET" 3 kinds of sake ※Ginjo-shu: Sake made from highly polished rice using special technique(add brewers alcohol)〔chotokusen daiginjo-shu/tokusen daiginjo-shu/jummai ginjo-shu〕


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"GINJO-SHU SET" 3 kinds of sake ※Ginjo-shu: Sake made from highly polished rice using special technique(add brewers alcohol)〔chotokusen daiginjo-shu/tokusen daiginjo-shu/jummai ginjo-shu〕

4"INATAHIME" Jummai daiginjo-shu 90ml(Pure Rice Sake Very Special Brew)■Sake brewing rice: Yamadanishiki ■Polished rice ratio:38%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"INATAHIME" Jummai daiginjo-shu 90ml(Pure Rice Sake Very Special Brew)■Sake brewing rice: Yamadanishiki ■Polished rice ratio:38%

5"INATAHIME" Choutokusen daiginjo-shu 90ml(Special Brew Sake) ■Sake brewing rice: Yamadanishiki ■Polished rice ratio:40%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"INATAHIME" Choutokusen daiginjo-shu 90ml(Special Brew Sake) ■Sake brewing rice: Yamadanishiki ■Polished rice ratio:40%

6"INATAHIME GOURIKI" Jummai daiginjo-shu 90ml(Pure Rice Sake Very Special Brew) ■Sake brewing rice: Gourikimai ■Polished rice ratio:48%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"INATAHIME GOURIKI" Jummai daiginjo-shu 90ml(Pure Rice Sake Very Special Brew) ■Sake brewing rice: Gourikimai ■Polished rice ratio:48%

7"INATAHIME GOURIKI" Jummai ginjo-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake Special Brew) ■Sake brewing rice: Gourikimai ■Polished rice ratio:55%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"INATAHIME GOURIKI" Jummai ginjo-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake Special Brew) ■Sake brewing rice: Gourikimai ■Polished rice ratio:55%

8"INATAHIME" Jummai ginjo-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake Brew)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:55%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture

"INATAHIME" Jummai ginjo-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake  Brew)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:55%

9"TOP SUIRAI" Jummai-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:60%


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"TOP SUIRAI" Jummai-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:60%

10《Hot Sake》"RYO-KAN JUMMAI INATAHIME" Jummai-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:68%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture / Hot

《Hot Sake》"RYO-KAN JUMMAI INATAHIME" Jummai-shu 180ml(Pure Rice Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:68%

11《Hot Sake》"HOUKI NO INADAMA" honjozo-shu(Genuine-brew Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:68%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture / Hot

《Hot Sake》"HOUKI NO INADAMA" honjozo-shu(Genuine-brew Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:68%

12《Hot Sake》"INATAHIME" honjozo-shu 180ml(Genuine-brew Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:68%


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Produced in Tottori Prefecture / Hot

《Hot Sake》"INATAHIME" honjozo-shu 180ml(Genuine-brew Sake)■Sake brewing rice: Gohyakumangoku ■Polished rice ratio:68%

Price includes tax.

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